The cultural preservation of the area relies heavily on kōrero being passed down through generations.
Our stories, experience’s and interactions past and present with Tangaroa in and around the Ahuriri Marine Area are shared through short video clips with whānau.
We share stories of fishing, diving, mahinga kai species, reefs, and the close connection of mana whenua with Tangaroa.
Taape O’Reilly
Taape O’Reilly lives in Waiohiki, Napier and is of Ngāti Pārau Hapū. Taape is of the Tareha whānau who has a long and close connection to Pānia and Moremore. Taape has had a long legacy as a kaitiaki of the Ahuriri and wider area.
Shade Smith
Shade Smith lives in Napier and is of Te Rarawa descent. Shade is an environmental and marine scientist who has spent over 15 years diving, studying and monitoring in the Napier and Hawke’s Bay marine environment. Throughout this time his passion has remained the same; to empower indigenous peoples to become more involved and productive in providing resource management solutions.
Tom McGuire
Tom McGuire lives in Whakatū, Clive and is a descendant from Ngāti Tuwhakairiora of Tokomaru Bay. He was raised in Hicks Bay by his great granny who was knowledgeable in maara kai, fishing, herbs and rongoa.
Margie McGuire, his wife is of Ngāti Hori decent. Tom has dived and fished Pānia since the 60’s and was one of the first persons to scuba dive Pānia Reef and wider Napier Hastings coast line.
Shane Gilmer
Shane lives in Napier and is a descendant of Ngāti Rakaipaaka in Nuhaka. Shane is an environmental and marine scientist who has worked in the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s Marine Coastal Team monitoring the Hawke’s Bay coastline. He is passionate about te ao Māori integration / cultural survival and is committed to the long term protection of the marine environment. Shane also dives and fishes in the Napier coastal area and regularly dives Pānia Reef.
Winnipere Mauger
Winnie lives in Napier and of Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāi Te Upokoiri, Ngāti Hinepare, Ngāti Maahu, Ngāi Tawhao, Ngāti Hawea, Ngāti Hori, Ngāti Kere, Ngāti Parakiore descent. Winnie grew up in and around the Napier area in the 1930’s.
Jenny Mauger
As a toddler in the late 1950’s Jenny’s parents sent her to live with her grandparents to heal an “unresponsive” ringworm on her face by being bathed in the moana at Te Awanga twice a day. Although Jenny’s family grew up in Dannevirke, they retained thier close ties to Heretaunga whanui by spending almost every school holidays staying with the grandparents & visiting uncles, aunties & cousins mainly in thier farming operations. The whanau have especially fond memories of innately knowing when to gather, harvesting kūkū at Te Awanga. The simple joy of walking back to the section on Kūkū St to devour them with each other. Jenny’s other grandfather came to Aotearoa as a Shipwright for Shackelton’s Trans Antarctic Imperial Expedition (TAIE), 1914-17. Upon Jenny grew up in the Napier area and has a passion for environmental matters and traditional māori techniques.
The Story of Pānia Video
Pānia was a beautiful sea maiden, here is her story.
Pānia Reef
Hear the stories and interactions of whānau with regards to the great Pānia Reef. Pānia Reef is to be found half a kilometre north of the port of Napier in Hawke Bay. The reef runs in a line pointing northeast for about 1.6 kilometres.
Pānia Reef, Shade Smith
Moremore, Shane Gilmer
Pānia Our Tipuna, Taape O’Reilly
Whanau Gathering Kai, Tom McGuire
Pānia Reef Kai, Shane Gilmer
Moremore, Taape O’Reilly
Mahinga Kai, Tom McGuire
Diving 60s, Tom McGuire
Hear the stories of Tangaroa, guardian of the sea. The tikanga, kawa and importance of our connection to the sea.
Mihi to Tangaroa, Shane Gilmer
Hinewera, Taape O’Reilly
Tikanga, Kawa and Matauranga, Tom McGuire
Importance of Connection to Tangaroa, Shade Smith
Healing Through Tangaroa (one), Taape O’Reilly
Healing Through Tangaroa (two), Taape O’Reilly
Future Of Tangaroa, Winipere Mauger
Impacts on the Moana
Hear the concerns of whānau and what is impacting our sea. What do we do to ensure the health of the sea for future generations?
Healthy Awa, Taape O’Reilly
Sediment Impact, Tom McGuire
Impacts On Tangaroa, Shane Gilmer
The Marine Cultural Health Programme, Shade Smith
Sedimentation, Shane Gilmer
Sustainable Moana, Shane Gilmer
Healthy Awa, Healthy Moana, Tom McGuire
Town Reef, Upokopōito and Westshore
Hear the stories of different locations in and around the Ahuriri marine area.
Westshore Beach, Winipere Mauger
Town Reef, Shade Smith
Town Reef, Shane Gilmer
Town Reef, Tom McGuire
Upokopōito, Tom McGuire
Westshore Shipwreck, Tom McGuire
Rangatira Reef and Hardinge Road Reef
Hear the stories of kai collection from Rangatira Reef and Hardinge Rd Reef.
Hardinge Road Reef, Jenny Mauger
Rangatira Reef, Shade Smith
Rangatira Reef, Shane Gilmer
Hardinge Road Reef, Shade Smith
Hardinge Rd Reef, Shane Gilmer
Rangatira Reef, Jenny Mauger
Kai Moana
Hear the stories of past and present kai moana species gathered from around the Ahuriri marine area.
Kōura Breeding, Jenny Mauger
Shane Gilmer, Mahinga Kai Seasons
Tangaroa is Our Fridge, Tom McGuire
Shane Gilmer, Gone Are The Days
Collecting Kaimoana, Taape O’Reilly