Recreation activities like swimming, diving and waka-ama are important indicators of the connection of mana whenua to the marine environment.
Below are the results of each of the Tohu Whāiti associated with this Tohu Matua. These Tohu Whāiti collectively inform the overall health of this Tohu Matua.
For each Tohu Whāiti we score qualitative and quantitative indicators called Pātai Inenga, we use these score to determine the health of each Tohu Whāiti. The ratings below are on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being very weak and 10 being very strong.
Waka Ama, Swimming, Bombing
This wāhanga whāiti seeks to quantify the number of whānau participating in waitākaro and cultural activities as a measure of cultural survival.
Do you participate in recreational activities on or in the moana, awa or whanga (including waka ama, swiming, etc)?
Method of Testing Annual count of operational clubs and whānau membership.
Method of Scoring Is participation increasing or decreasing.
0 = Declining club membership. 1-3 = Static club number. 4-6 = Average/moderate number of clubs increase in participation. 7-9 = Good increase of clubs/participation. 10 = Continued growth in the sport and clubs, excellent level of whānau/hāpu. support. Each marae is represented.
Amount of Whānau Diving/Ruku
Gathering kai moana is an important traditional practice which maintains our connection to Tangaroa and sustains the people.
Which of the following sites do you and/or the whānau ruku/dive?
Method of Testing Use the score from Mana Moana, Mahinga Kai – Tohu Matua.
Method of Scoring 0 = 0-10% of the overall score of MM, Mahinga Kai – Tohu Matua. 1-3 = 10-30% of the overall score of MM, Mahinga Kai – Tohu Matua. 4-6 = 40-60% of the overall score of MM, Mahinga Kai – Tohu Matua. 7-9 = 70-90% of the overall score of MM, Mahinga Kai – Tohu Matua. 10 = 100% of the overall score of MM, Mahinga Kai – Tohu Matua.
Method of Testing Use the score from Mana Tangata,Tikanga and Matauranga, Traditional mahinga kai practice – Tohu Whāiti.
Method of Scoring 0 = 0-10% of the overall score of MT,Tikanga and Matauranga, Traditional mahinga kai practice – Tohu Whāiti. 1-3 = 10-30% of the overall score of MT,Tikanga and Matauranga, Traditional mahinga kai practice – Tohu Whāiti. 4-6 = 40-60% of the overall score of MT,Tikanga and Matauranga, Traditional mahinga kai practice – Tohu Whāiti. 7-9 = 70-90% of the overall score of MT,Tikanga and Matauranga, Traditional mahinga kai practice – Tohu Whāiti. 10 = 100% of the overall score of MT, Tikanga and Matauranga, Traditional mahinga kai practice – Tohu Whāiti.