Te Huringa ki te Rangi

Health Spectrum


The health ratings displayed on this page is an example only, the heath ratings will be updated when monitoring is completed at the end of 2021.

Te Huringa ki te Rangi

Overall Health 60%

Climate change can impact ecosystems, biodiversity and traditional practices.

Below are the results of each of the Tohu Whāiti associated with this Tohu Matua. These Tohu Whāiti collectively inform the overall health of this Tohu Matua.

For each Tohu Whāiti we score qualitative and quantitative indicators called Pātai Inenga, we use these score to determine the health of each Tohu Whāiti. The ratings below are on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being very weak and 10 being very strong.

Impact of Climate Change on the Marine Environment

Climate change is an important indicator as it affects the ecosystems, biodiversity and traditional practices.


In the past 12 months, have you noticed a change in climate effecting the marine environment?


Method of Testing
Surveys with mana whenua whānau on knowledge of kororā.

Method of Scoring
Yes, No, Don’t know

If yes ask:
Please give an example of how you think climate change has impacted the moana.


Is the marine environment being impacted by climate change?


Method of Testing
Utilise documents from research organisations, HBRC, DOC etc.

Method of Scoring
Kaimātai moana to determine scoring methodology.

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