Traditional food resources are important indicators of marine ecosystem health. Species like kuku (green-lipped mussels) and koura (crayfish) are key indicator species for mana whenua of Ahuriri.
Below are the results of each of the Tohu Whāiti associated with this Tohu Matua. These Tohu Whāiti collectively inform the overall health of this Tohu Matua.
For each Tohu Whāiti we score qualitative and quantitative indicators called Pātai Inenga, we use these score to determine the health of each Tohu Whāiti. The ratings below are on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being very weak and 10 being very strong.
Kuku – Green Lipped Mussels
Kuku are a valued mahinga kai species and considered a staple in the local diet historically by mana whenua.
How much knowledge do you hold of traditional mahinga kai for kuku?
Method of Testing Reference video clip for detailed monitoring methodology. Annual deployment of cages during dredging. Routine collection of kuku from same spot to assess patterns in condition over time.
Method of Scoring 0 = Decline in weight and contaminated. 1-3 = 10-30% increase in condition. >6 e.coli/entero present. 4-6 = 40-60% increase in condition. 2-6 e.coli/entero present. 7-9 = 70-90% increase in condition, not present e.coli/entero. 10 = 100% increase in condition. Not present e.coli/entero.
Is the population of Kuku breeding well? (Recruitment/spat abundance)
Method of Testing Reference video clip for detailed monitoring methodology. Deployment of spat collectors monthly over spawning season.
Method of Scoring 0 = Decline or no recruitment. 1-3 = 10-30% increase in recruitment. 4-6 = 40-60% increase in recruitment. 7-9 = 70-90% increase in recruitment. 10 = 100% increase in recruitment.
Kōura – Crayfish
Kōura are a valued mahinga kai species and considered a delicacy by mana whenua.
How much knowledge do you hold of traditional mahinga kai kōura sites?
Method of Testing Reference video clip for detailed monitoring methodology. Monthly trawl data plus eDNA samples. Data analysed from MPI and Trawl research data.
Method of Scoring Kaimātai Moana Rōpū to determine methodology for scoring. Monthly trawl survey.
Karengo – Southern Laver
Karengo is a valued mahinga kai species and considered a delicacy by mana whenua.
How much knowledge do you hold of traditional mahinga kai karengo sites?