Health Spectrum

The health ratings displayed on this page is an example only, the heath ratings will be updated when monitoring is completed at the end of 2021.
Water quality of the Ahuriri marine environment is an important indicator of health in the marine ecosystem.
Below are the results of each of the Tohu Whāiti associated with this Tohu Matua. These Tohu Whāiti collectively inform the overall health of this Tohu Matua.
For each Tohu Whāiti we score qualitative and quantitative indicators called Pātai Inenga, we use these score to determine the health of each Tohu Whāiti. The ratings below are on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being very weak and 10 being very strong.
How do you rate the site for diveability due to sediment/visibility for mahinga kai harvest?
How much has tangaroa been negatively impacted by sediment entering the moana. What is the degree of muddiness at each of the sites?
How much sediment accumulation is occurring at our sites and impacts habitat quality, seasonality/annually?
Is the amount of accumulated sediment effecting whānau ability to catch kōura while diving?
How many kai gathering closures were issued this year?
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) phytoplankton species
Method of Testing
Use the score from Mana Tangata Hauora, Shellfish, ‘How many species of toxic algae are there?’- Pātai Ine
Method of Scoring
0 = 0-10% of the score of MT Hauora, Shellfish, species of toxic algae.
1-3 = 10-30% of the score of MT Hauora, Shellfish, species of toxic algae.
4-6 = 40-60% of the score of MT Hauora, Shellfish, species of toxic algae.
7-9 = 70-90% of the score of MT Hauora, Shellfish, species of toxic algae.
10 = 100% of the score of MT Hauora, Shellfish, species of toxic algae.
How has tangaroa been impacted by sediment entering the moana. What is the degree of muddiness at each of the sites?
Method of Testing
Use the score from Mana Moana, Hauora, Sediment muddiness – Pātai Ine.
Methodology of Scoring
0 = 0-10% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment Muddiness Pātai Ine.
1-3 = 10-30% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment muddiness Pātai Ine.
4-6 = 40-60% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment muddiness Pātai Ine.
7-9 = 70-90% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment muddiness Pātai Ine.
10 = 100% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment muddiness Pātai Ine.
Does the current level of heavy metals present a risk to Tangaroa and whānau health?
Method of Testing
Use the averaged percent score from Mana Moana Hauora, quantitative Sediment heavy metals Pātai Ine.
Method of Scoring
0 = 0-10% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment heavy metals Pātai Ine.
1-3 = 10-30% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment heavy metals Pātai Ine.
4-6 = 40-60% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment heavy metals Pātai Ine.
7-9 = 70-90% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment heavy metals Pātai Ine.
10 = 100% of the overall score of MM quantitative Sediment heavy metals Pātai Ine.
How many samples each summer in breach of amber mode at the sites within the MCHP area?
Is the pH concentration at our monitoring sites and research bouys negatively impacting on Tangaora?
How is annual influences of freshwater affecting Tangaroa?