
Health Spectrum


The health ratings displayed on this page is an example only, the heath ratings will be updated when monitoring is completed at the end of 2021.


Overall Health 90%

Economic wellbeing of mana whenua is an important indicator of overall wellbeing.

Below are the results of each of the Tohu Whāiti associated with this Tohu Matua. These Tohu Whāiti collectively inform the overall health of this Tohu Matua.

For each Tohu Whāiti we score qualitative and quantitative indicators called Pātai Inenga, we use these score to determine the health of each Tohu Whāiti. The ratings below are on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being very weak and 10 being very strong.

Commercial Take Impact on Whānau Take

Commercial fishing in Aotearoa has significantly impacted on all mana whenua ability to collect mahinga kai.


To what extent do you agree with the following statement:

Compared to 12 months ago, I’ve noticed that there has been an increase in commercial fishing activities in my usual fishing spots.


Method of Testing
Hapū groups will be surveyed annually utilising the survey application.

Method of Scoring
0 = Strongly disagree
10 = Strongly agree


Which of the following sites do you hold historical knowledge of regarding the presence of ika to collect?


Method of Testing
Hapū groups will be surveyed annually utilising the survey application.

Method of Scoring
Checkbox list of sites, None of the above

[Insert site selected]
Compared to 50 years ago, would you say the availability of ika to collect has decreased, increased, or not changed at all?

Has not changed at all



Quantify how commercial fishing has impacted on the Hawke Bay ika fishery. Determine what happened to the Tāmure (Snapper) fishery.


Method of Testing
Utilise current data sets to determine the stocks and fish effort in HB. Analyse the snapper fishery collapse. Request MPI data extract for commercial SNA landings last 40 years for southern central HB. 1nm boxes. Trend analysis of CPUE for individual boxes. Scoring based on % annual change.

Method of Scoring
Fishing effort score in the commercial sector.
0 = significant effort annual increase.
1-3 = effort increasing over time.
4-6 = effort goes up and down depending on season.
7-9 = effort reducing fish stocks increasing.
10 = significant effort reduction fishing population significant increase.


To what extent can we quantify overall fishery decline in Hawke’s Bay through the analysis of available fishing data?


Method of Testing
Utilise current data set to determine the stocks and fish effort in HB.

Method of Scoring
Fishing effort score in the commercial sector.
0 = significant effort annual increase.
1-3 = effort increasing over time.
4-6 = effort goes up and down depending on season.
7-9 = effort reducing fish stocks increasing.
10 = significant effort reduction fishing population significant increase.


To what extent has 6 Wharf dredging had on fishing?


Method of Testing
Utilise current data set from the 6 Wharf fish monitoring.

Method of Scoring
Kaimatāi Rōpū to determine scoring method.


Mana Moana Mahinga Kai Tohu


Method of Testing
Use the score from Mana Moana, Mahinga Kai – Wāhanga Matua.

Method of Scoring
0 = 0-10% of the overall score of MM Mahinga Kai Wāhanga Matua.
1-3 = 10-30% of the overall score of MM Mahinga Kai Wāhanga Matua.
4-6 = 40-60% of the overall score of MM Mahinga Kai Wāhanga Matua.
7-9 = 70-90% of the overall score of MM Mahinga Kai Wāhanga Matua.
10 = 100% of the overall score of MM Mahinga Kai Wāhanga Matua.

Employment of whānau in the commercial sector (Fisheries and the Napier Port)

It is important to quantify the degree of richness of Te ao Māori integration into one of the largest employers of mana whenua in Ahuriri.


What is the total number of fisheries companies operating in Ahuriri and how many Māori employees do they have?


Method of Testing
Using survey tool with fishing companies.

Method of Scoring
Kaimātai moana rōpū to determine post 1st year survey results.


What is the total number of Māori employees at the Napier Port?


Method of Testing
Using survey tool with fishing companies.

Method of Scoring
Kaimātai moana rōpū to determine post 1st year survey results.


If commercial fisherman were paid a fair and reasonable price for the fish would the fishery be in the significantly declined state its in today?


Method of Testing
Using survey tool with fishing companies and fishermen.

Method of Scoring
Kaimātai moana rōpū to determine post 1st year survey results.

How do Commercial Companies include Cultural Practice and Sustainability?

This wāhanga whāiti seeks to identify and quantify the degree of Te ao Māori integration into one of the largest employers of tangata whenua and to understand what sustainability practices have been adopted.


What sustainability practices have been adopted, and have they been derived from Te ao Māori principles/concepts?


Method of Testing
Using survey tool with fishing companies and Napier Port.

Method of Scoring
Kaimātai moana rōpū to determine post 1st year survey results.


Are Te ao Māori tikanga values and concepts integrated into company policies and procedures? If yes how so?


Method of Testing
Using survey tool with fishing companies.

Method of Scoring
Kaimātai moana rōpū to determine post 1st year survey results.

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